You are about to embark on an epic journey into a dark and foreign territory that can only be described as...
(The Most Insignificant  And Least  Observed Homepage  On The Web!!!)
A.K.A. the Official Armpit of the Internet

Surgeon General's Warning:  This web site may be hazardous to your health.  It has been know to cause cancer in many lab animals, especially wombats.  If you are a wombat, please leave this page immediately.

Note: The above statement requires a certain talent known as "reading between the lines"
Before you naively explore the doom-ridden contents of this page, let me give you my own forewarning:
BE FOREWARNED:  The contents of this site may or may not be childish, goofy and utterly pointless.  However, it is objectively weird.  If you is alergic to bad grammer, pour speelinge and iMpropper using! of punC;Tua lizaTion"?#, then do not read this sentence.  Also, if you really hate it when people don't finish their sentences, then I suggest that you.  The owner of this site will not be responsible for any injuries, deaths or other boo-boos incurred by this site, and if presented with a lawsuit anyway, the owner will not have any choice but away at top speed, whilst muttering cuss words under his breath, to his secret hide-out.  You must be at least 18 years old in order to smoke while viewing this web page, and at least 21 in order to drink while browsing it.   *Warning* This is the end of the forewarning, (would that make this a "hindwarning"?) so it now safe to shake your head in disgust and think such thoughts as "Man, whoever made this site is mental!"  or "Why am I actually reading the contents of somebody's personal homepage?  Am I nuts?"

Anyway, my name is Nate Harburg and I....what are you doing?  Probably thinking to yourself that you don't care who I am or what my favorite color is, right?  Well I don't care who you are either, then!   So there!  And even if you don't care to know, my favorite color is YELLOW!   WAIT!!! DONT CLICK THAT BACK BUTTON!  OR THE CLOSE BUTTON!!  HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING...NO! How Dare you type that web address in there!  Naughty Naughty!  Shame on you! What would your Mother say!...Well, now that I have your attention, I can articulate on the purpose of this absurd homepage.

"Vittles (gulp) is proof (gulup) that God loves us!" (BRAAAAAP)"
Thesis Statement of the "Mialohow" Homepage:  Upon analyzing the indefinitely slimy vortex of the postulate and the quadrangle of the circumventing coaxle blobby transmogrifier, I have come to the scientific conclusion that there are eight main subjects to be discussed in this site.

NUMBER 1: The Meaning of Life

NUMBER 2: God's AWESOME providence in my life!!!

NUMBER 3: My (so-called) Music

NUMBER 4: Our Backyard Ropes Course

NUMBER 5: Helpful Catholic Information

NUMBER 6: The Prayer League

NUMBER 7: Family & Friends

NUMBER 8: Nothing.


Here's Some More Kewl Stuff
(You have almost reached the end of this site, so get ready to celebrate!)

-Is there no song currently stuck in your head?  If not, click here to cure the "no song stuck in head blues"
-Click here to get really scared...(we're talking Blair Witch terror here, so don't say I didn't warn ya)
-Here's something to do if yer really bored...which without a doubt you are, considering what page you're browsing

My Favorite Links

  If you have intelligent questions and/or hate mail, please give me an "electronic ring."Do not send any questions dealing with trains travelling at 55 mph leaving from New York at 2:00 and departing from Boston at 11:42, even if you really do need to know what time they will meet up. I'm telling you, I just don't know the answer. Also, please note that I will not even bother to read messages containing raunchy subjects or ones that have deadly, contagious viruses attached.  Thanks

Copyright (like that means anything nowadays) 1999 Nate Harburg
last updated: July 2003

Made ya look!