What is the meaning of life???

        Many people throughout the history of the world have considered this question.  If you haven't yet, I highly recommend that you do right here andright now. Your time is running out.  You will die sooner or later!  If you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven or hell?  

To be utterly frank, the meaning of life is this:

"God made us to know him, to love him, and to serve him in this world and to be happy with him forever in the next."

How do I know this is true?  

        Because Jesus Christ, God's son, said so.
 Why did Jesus come to earth?  Here's His reason:

"I came so that [you] might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
        God’s plan for you is simple, and so EXCITING!!! God, your Father who loves you infinitely, wants to give you all good things—especially eternal life with Him in Heaven!  Jesus died on the cross to save us all from sin and the eternal separation from God (this eternal seperation is Hell) that sin causes:

"For God loved the world so much, that He sent His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
        When Jesus saves us, He makes us part of His Body, which is the Church (1 Cor. 12:27–30). We thus become united with Him and with Christians everywhere (on earth, in heaven, in purgatory).


So the bible says that Jesus is God's son. How can I be sure that Jesus is divine?

            Ask Him to make Himself known to you, to prove His existence to you.  He will.  Also, check out this great article that considers whether Jesus was the Lord, a Liar, or a Lunatic:  http://www.peterkreeft.com/topics/christ-divinity.htm
        The 'proof' of Jesus' divinity is in the fact that so many people have experienced drastic changes in their lives after accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

So people have experienced drastic changes after accepting Christ.  Like what, for example?
        By believing in Jesus and asking Him for His help, countless people been freed from the slavery of addiction, been miraculously healed of depression, cancer, and many other ailments,
been empowered to forgive those they had hated for many years, been able to live joyfully amidst great suffering, been filled with courage to be able to proclaim the truth about Jesus to others at the cost of their own lives, and been changed for the better in many other ways.  "...with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)."

What does it mean to "believe in Jesus?"

        To believe in Jesus is to believe what He taught.  The most important thing he taught (and continues to teach through his servants)  is that we must seek God's forgiveness for our sins with sincere hearts in order to be saved.  Sin seperates us from God.

I believe Jesus is divine! What should I do now?

Ask God right here and right now for forgiveness for your sins, and express your desire to avoid sin in the future.  But Don't stop there!  Your journey has just begun, and now you need some supplies.  You need food to strengthen you along the road to heaven, or else you WILL NOT GET THERE!  Also, you need to get to know your guide.  Jesus is not only your guide, but also your best friend, Lord, and Savior who desperately wants to lead you to Heaven.

Where do I get food for the journey, and how can I get to know Jesus?

        I am very grateful to God for showing me the best way to receive His food and to know, love and serve Him: within the Catholic Church, the very Church Jesus Christ founded roughly 1,970 years ago!  

        I want to share the greatest giftI have with you, even though I've probably never met you: the gift of the Catholic Faith.  Catholicism is meant to lead you into a relationship with a person: Jesus Christ.

If you're interested in learning more about Catholicism, please visit the following link.  It is an awesome summary of the Catholic Church's teachings.  

Here is another great link:

If you want to find out how to join the Church, call your local Catholic Priest/Deacon and he should be overjoyed to help you!

The following is information about Christianity and Catholicism.

Friends in High Places
In America, it is often difficult to change the way things are.  Why? Bureaucracies control America. In a Bureaucracy, it often takes forever to contact the Big Cheese, the Big-Boss who has the POWER to make changes.  If you desire change, you must contact the person above you, who in turn must contact the person above him or her, etc, etc, until the Boss is finally reached.  However, we human beings can instantly change the world by appealing to a totally different government, if what Jesus said is true.

We can go STRAIGHT to the Boss without any hassle!  All humans have been given a powerful connection, enabling us to easily make HUGE TIDAL WAVES in the world simply by expending only the amount of energy necessary to fire off a few synapses in our brains in an activity known as prayer.  Prayer is communication with the Boss of the universe!

This Boss is not some busy, impersonal, uncaring CEO.  He is anything but.

Imagine having a servant who is desperate to serve you, and that this servant is none other than Superman.  Well, as humans, we have at our service a man who could send Superman into the next galaxy with the flick of his little finger.*  Who is this man? Jesus Christ, a man who also happens to be the God of the universe.  Jesus is one of the 3 divine persons that make up the trinity!  Don’t even think about trying to understand this concept of the trinity.  All you need to know is that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is the connection I was talking about, because prayer is only possible because of Him.  (*I doubt that Jesus would ever harm Superman, because the fictional story of Superman has many parallels to the true story of Christ)

What’s even better than a god who deeply desires to serve and help us?  How about a god who is our best friend!  We have such a god: the GOD of all, in the person of Jesus Christ. "I do not call you servants any longer, instead I call you friends" (John 15:15) And what powerful friend we have in Jesus. 
How blessed are we to have God for our friend!  Jesus taught us about the other 2 persons of the holy trinity.  He taught us to call God the Father "daddy," died and rose so that our sins might be forgiven, and purchased for each and every one of us tickets to His Father’s house where 
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain..." (Rev 21:4)
He didn’t just jet after rising again, either: He promised to be with us "until the end of the age." (Matt 28:20)  His spirit remains with each and every one of us from the moment of our conception until the moment of our death.  After death, we will live with him forever if we have kept his commandments.  What are his commandments?  Jesus told us that the greatest commandments are thus:
"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment
The second is like it: 23 You shall love your neighbor as yourself
24 The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

In order to obey these two commandments, we must obey all of the commandments of Jesus.  Read the Gospels carefully to discover these commandments. One of the most important is to be baptised in order to be cleansed of original sin and enter into the family of God.  Contact your local Catholic Church to learn more about Baptism and the other awesome gifts Jesus has given us for our salvation.

The Eucharist: The Real Presence of Jesus on Earth.

Although the Eucharistic bread and wine looks, tastes, and smells like bread and wine, it is actually Jesus Christ.  Sounds absurd, right?  Well, Jesus taught it!  Jesus is always present to all of us spiritually.  He is present in a special way whenever two or more people pray together, and whenever His word, the bible, is read, and in other ways also.  However, Jesus is present to us most completely in the Eucharist, for in this sacrament He is present in body, blood, soul, and divinity. The Catholic Church calls the Eucharist the "real presence."  It is one of the Church's most important teachings.  The Pope says that the Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian life."   

This gift of the Eucharist should be the most exciting reality in the life of every Catholic.

Why?  Because Jesus, in the Eucharist, can be found at any mass and in any Eucharistic chapel.  Think about it.  At mass we can receive Jesus  in the most intimate manner possible: we eat Him, and then His flesh and blood flows through our veins, giving life to our souls and bodies.  Outside of mass we can go to any Eucharistic chapel and visit Jesus Christ, our Savior, and, simply by sitting in His presence, receive divine strength to resist temptation, healing, love, virtue, and every good grace.

Do you have doubts about the Church's teaching on the Eucharist? Please check out these web sites for some very helpful information!

To find out more about the awesome power of Eucharistic Adoration inside and outside of the Mass, Click here:
Eucharistic Adoration: The Key to World Peace

I would like to conclude elegantly, poetically, and succinctly: Being a Christian rules. It is so so so so so sooooo awesome to believe in such a LOVING, caring, forgiving, guiding, strengthening, self-sacrificing, trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, thrifty, brave, powerful, limitless, infinite God!  We, as Christians, are indubitably and fortunately the most incredibly, amazingly, infinitely, superbly, undeniablygifted people on the face of the earth. 

    "Gifted?" you say, incredulously. "But I don’t have any gifts…"

"You’re a Human Being, aren’t you?"

    "Well, yes…"

"Then you definitely have gifts.  You are made "in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:27)" right?  You’re like God because you have many gifts and abilities!  They might not be developed yet, but they are inside of you, waiting for training."

    "Well, I guess so.  Maybe I do have at least one gift…"

"Are you Confirmed in the Catholic Church?"

    "Umm, yeah…"

"Then you definitely have a bunch of other gifts.  You also have the amazing gifts of the Holy Spirit!"

    "Oh yeah.  I forgot.  But I’m so weak!"

"HEY, that’s OK!  God uses the WEAK to save the STRONG!  All of the saints were weak at first.  We are all works in progress, working out our salvation with "fear and trembling." (Phil 2:12)

    "Oh.  Well, I’m so sinful…"

"Of course!  You’re human!  But you’re also Catholic!  That means you have incredible resources at your fingertips!  First of all, you can receive our Lord in the Eucharist often, daily even, and be strengthened with grace to resist sin!  Also, you can go to confession anytime to receive even more grace to resist sin.  If you want even more grace, and if you want to help save everyone else in this God-UNforsaken world, go to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and soak up the boundless love and grace streaming from our Lord just as a sunbather soaks up light and heat streaming from the sun."

    "Oh, but I…"

"I don’t want to hear any ‘buts.’ Christians have no excuses!  Let’s use our gifts - both our natural talents and the gifts of the Holy Spirit - today!  "Today is the day of Salvation." Let’s ‘bring the King’ to others (be Christ to others) in order to bring about the Kingdom of God!


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