"What will convert America and save the world?"

pope and Eucharist
Pope John Paul II says:

Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa said:

st. john vianney
St. John Marie Vianney said:

J.R.R. Tolkien said:

pope paul vi
Pope Paul VI said:

Blessed Dinga Belanger was told by Jesus in a vision that a multitude of souls were saved from the fires of hell by her Eucharistic holy hours of prayer.

Jesus-Sacred Heart
Jesus Christ (Mt 26:40-41) said:
 More Quotes from Mother Teresa:

Question: What is the number 1 reason I adore/hang out with our Lord in the Eucharist outside of Mass?
Answer: I want to become a saint.  Why? Because I know that God wants me to become a saint!  Maybe you're wondering how adoration can help someone to become a saint.  In response, let me ask you: how can it NOT?

If you think about it, I mean if you really, really ponder it for a minute, Eucharistic adoration is the best activity anyone could ever, ever do!  It’s the best way to become a saint, period.  The more time you spend with Jesus, the more saintly you become- and you can’t help it!

Every time I visit Jesus in a tabernacle, I like to meditate on His life by praying a rosary.  It blows me away to realize that the person I’m meditating on, the very one who was born in Bethlehem, died on the Cross at Golgotha for my sins, and then rose again, is only a few feet away from me, hidden so humbly in the little host.  I love to visit Christ in the Eucharist when I’m hurting, because He’s there to comfort me.  I go when I’ve sinned, because He’ll always accept me, and give me grace to resist temptation.  I go when I want to become more loving, because He is Love.

I love to visit Jesus because I know that He loves to have me.  Where did I learn that?  From the saints: by learning what the Saints said about adoration, I was inspired to adore Christ more in the Eucharist besides at mass.  The ultimate form of Eucharistic adoration is the mass, but how fortunate we are that the real presence of Jesus does not leave the church after communion!  The saints said so many mind-boggling things about the awesome, incredible benefits of adoration.  But what they did speaks louder to me than what they said.  Mother Teresa spent an hour in adoration every morning!  St. Francis spent long hours, sometimes all night, adoring the Blessed Sacrament!  Pope John Paul II says that adoration is the best way to bring peace on earth.

St. John Vianney compared adoration to spiritual sunbathing.  As the bright "son" of God, Jesus shines light and love into our souls, filling us with warmth that we can then radiate to those we meet.  And this kind of 'Sonbathing' won’t give you skin cancer. Let’s get RADIATED in the love of Christ!

How To Make A Holy Hour

    A Eucharistic holy hour is spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist out of love for Jesus, other people, and yourself.  Simply sitting in His Eucharistic presence fills Jesus with joy, and gives blessings and healing to you to and every single human being on the face of the earth.  In touching Jesus, we touch all of His children!  People commonly spend a half-hour to an hour visit before the Blessed Sacrament, whether reserved or exposed. A holy hour may be done in private or in the company of others. Many parishes have a number of hours set aside for adoration, and better yet, some maintain perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

    To find out about parishes that have adoration near you, click here: http://www.therealpresence.org/chap_fr.htm

    Here are some recommendations about how to make a holy hour:

1. Go to Jesus
    Find a Catholic church or chapel that has the Blessed Sacrament reserved or exposed.
2. "Be still and know that I am God"
    Upon entering the church or chapel, you should genuflect or bow, and then kneel or sit facing Him. If you like, pray the prayer that the angel taught the children of Fatima: "Oh God I believe, adore, trust, and love you, and I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love you." Remember that you are here to spend time with Jesus Christ Himself, who is present in body, blood, soul and divinity!  The savior of the world is only a few feet away from you!  Take some deep breaths and remind yourself of this, saying something like, "I am here with Jesus." Perhaps do this for a few minutes until your mind is focused on being in union with Christ.
3. Prepare your heart
    1. A GREAT way to prepare yourself for your time with Jesus is to purposely bring to mind all that worries you.  As each problem or anxiety appears in your mind, say, "Jesus, I trust in you."  Soon, you will have cycled through all of your worries and entrusted them all to the very one who allowed the problems and has all of the solutions.
    2. Think of all the good or "lucky" things that have happened to you recently, i.e, you got a good sleep; next, thank God for them one by one as you think of them.  Also, think of all the wonderful people in your life; next, thank God for them one by one as you think of them. They're all gifts from God!  
4. Pray as the Spirit Leads

    -Beg Jesus to help the people you love and worry about; mention them and their problems specifically.  Our Lord wants to help them infinitely more than you do.
    -Pray a Rosary
    -Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet
    -Read the Bible or other spiritual reading
    -Express your sentiments of the moment, according to your circumstances of the day, such as:
        Jesus, I am so grateful to you.
        Jesus, I’m hurting.
        Jesus, I’m afraid.
        Jesus, I don’t understand.
        Jesus, increase my faith.
        Jesus, I adore you.
    -You can make an Act of Spiritual Communion, which many of the Saints loved to do:
        My Jesus, I believe that you are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You         sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never                 permit me to be separated from you.
5. Say Goodbye

    Spend your last moments with Jesus resolving to perform some act of charity by allowing Him to govern your life. Ask Him to reveal to you what to do if you are uncertain. It is also a good idea to take this time to ask for the intercession of Mary, our Spiritual Mother, and other saints of your choosing. Jesus delights in knowing that we turn to His Mother for help! You may even want to include a prayer to your Guardian Angel for their help and protection, making sure to thank them for being there for you.

For more information on how to make a holy hour, I highly recommend this link: http://www.therealpresence.org/visit.htm

Click here to download a great set of rosary meditations

Evangelization Ideas

Why? Because the message of Jesus Christ is the most important message that has ever been delivered, is being delivered, or will ever be delivered, hands down.

Click here for an evangelization club that is currently active:  The Prayer League

St. John Vianney Club
1.    to bring people back to Church
2.    to increase vocations
3.    and to sanctify the adorer

1.    Devote one hour a week to adoring our Lord in the Eucharist-whether exposed or hidden in the tabernacle- for the intention of drawing people to Church and opening the ears of men and women to the calling of God.  
2.    Encourage your priest to establish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration- give him a copy of the PEA manual, available through the late Fr. Hardon’s Real Presence Association- www.therealpresence.org

INSPIRATION: Some Churches have decreased attendance.  To draw people back to Church, why don't we imitate St. John Vianney, who through his adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and his loving pastoral service, transformed an empty, abandoned Church building into a teeming, packed house of worship!!!  St. John Vianney said, "We should consider those moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament as the happiest of our lives."
Consider these reports about Eucharistic Adoration:
Bishop John Magee of Cloyne in Eire, Ireland reports that vocations to the
 priesthood in his diocese have tripled since he started Perpetual Eucharistic
 Adoration.  In 1990 there were 16 seminarians and by 1993 the number had risen
 to 45.
Bishop Seamus Hegarty of Derry says that when he was Bishop of Raphoe, there
 were 20 vocations in 1990, and 19 came from parishes that had Perpetual
 Eucharistic Adoration.  He believes that Perpetual  Eucharistic Adoration is the greatest contribution he  made as Bishop.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta says: "It was not until 1973, when we began our
 daily Holy Hour that our community started to grow and blossom."
"Mass attendance [in my diocese] has increased noticeably on Sunday, as well
 as during the week, as many have come back to the Sacraments as a result of
 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration" (Most Rev. Ruben T. Profugo, Bishop of
 Lucena, Philippines).
"We had prostitution and drugs being sold right out in front of our church.
 When we took on perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, this all
 stopped.  When our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar,
 crime leaves that area.  I am convinced of that"  (Fr. James Swenson, pastor
 of St. Bridget Catholic Church, Las Vegas, NV).
(see more stories at www.acfp2000.com)
 St. Monica Club

MISSION: to pray every day for those desperately in need of conversion and help.
INSPIRATION: St. Monica prayed for 17 years for her son's conversion...and God finally answered her prayer!  What an awesome example of faithful and hopeful perseverance in prayer!!  Why not imitate her and pray unceasingly, every day, for people who seem permanently stuck in their pagan ways!  GOD can convert the hardest of hearts.  
Let's pray daily for the conversion of Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Ladin, President Bush, and other powerful figures. 
Oh ye of little faith, do you call yourself a CHRISTIAN? Trust in Jesus! It IS within the realm of possibility: Jesus said, "…for God all things are possible." (Matt 19: 26)

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