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praying girlpraying girlpraying girlpraying girlpraying girlpraying girlpraying girlpraying girl

The Prayer League is an evangelization/prayer club
for those who desire to spread the GREAT news of Jesus Christ through business cards and fervent intercession.

1. To witness to Christ through an act of love: offering prayer to people, especially strangers!
"First of all, then, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone
for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity.
This is good and pleasing to God our savior,
who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human,
who gave himself as ransom for all. (1 Tim 2:1-6)"
2. To "make"people think about Jesus by offering them prayer.

3. To "make" people think even MORE about Jesus
when He answers their prayers!

1. By handing out business cards (see below) to people after they’ve served us, by saying:
"Thanks for your service! Here's a gift for you (hand them a card, and leave)"
What kind of people do we hand them to?
pizza deliverers,
dry cleaners,
gas station attendants,
taxi drivers,
flight attendants,
waiters/waitresses (leave the card with the tip),

Here is the league's current card:
This is what the business card says: If you would like our dedicated group to pray for you or for a loved one, don't hesistate to contact us! toll free voicemail: 1-866-535-1705 email:

2. By praying for the people we give cards to, whether or not they contact us!

3. (optional) Or, if we feel led by the Spirit, we could do more than just hand out the card, by saying:
    "Thanks for your service!  Can I offer you prayers for anything?"
and then whip out our prayer notebook, to show them we're serious, in case they have any prayer intentions.
 We could carry this notebook with us at ALL times.
his notebook idea is in imitation of Father Solanus, prayer warrior extraordinaire.  Through his intercession and that of his friends many miracles happened! Here is something to reflect upon: Father Solanus, whenever a person asked him for prayer, would say, "let’s first thank God for his love.  Thank you Lord for loving us so much, and for whatever you will do for us in the future.  Amen."  Then
he suggested that the person perform some act of love before any response is made.  Isn't this potentially worthy of imitation?  Click here for awesome stories about Fr. Solanus)

-If you'd like our dedicated group to pray for you or for your loved ones, please contact us ASAP!  
-If you're interested in joining the Prayer League, please contact us ASAP.

CONTACT INFO: Call our toll-free voicemail: 1-866-535-1705, or email us:
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