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Harburg Family Ropes Course
    Over the summer of '99, I built a small Ropes Course in my family's backyard, with great help from siblings and friends.  It was a fairly major project.  My main motivation for building it was to encourage my younger siblings to spend more time in the great outdoors.  Although they probably don't know it, side effects of the course include increased strength and self-confidence.  (Hey, who said side effects always had to be bad?) This course is still a work in progress- I will be adding new activites continually.  If you're ever in town, you can stop by and try it out-here are the rates:
Adults: $45
18-Younger: $30
Season Pass: $350
He He He... just kidding, it's free.
Here are pictures of most of activities in the Ropes Course:
Burma Bridge
Burma Bridge #2
Monkey Bars
Hercules Swing
Tarzan Swing
Seat Swing
Horizontal Pole
Rope Bridge
Bub-Buh-Buh-Buh-Back, Junior!